





Astrological Yantras

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  • 6,900.00
    • The Kajan Anant Laxmi helps accomplish improved flow of Wealth.
    • Unwanted expenses, wastages are reduced effectively with the presence of the Kajan Anant Laxmi in any given premise.
    • Ensuring that the Investments, made garner enhanced and grander Results, is safe guarded by the Kirti Mukh which is placed atop the arch of the Kajan Anant Laxmi.
    • Unflinching faith in the Kajan Anant Laxmi helps one make the correct Financial Decision at the right time for the right reason.
    • The Kajan Anant Laxmi can be placed in the Puja Room / Mandir, Cash / valuables drawers, Lockers to attract Prosperity in any and all forms like cash, jewels, property, fixed deposits, mutual funds, etc.
    • The Kajan Anant Laxmi is an extremely Thoughtful Gift for your loved ones.
  • 6,900.00
    • The Pitambar Vighneshwar is a boon for all students as praying to the Pitambar Vighneshwar enhances memory, oratory skills, writing skills.It is very important for all students and those still educating themselves.
    • Businessman and Professionals of all fields can garner Wealth and Prosperity along with Happiness by praying to Pitambar Vighneshwar.
    • The Pitambar Vighneshwar works in mystical fashions for the aid of his devotees to overcome obstacles, delays and dissatisfactions.
    • In today’s complicated world the Pitambar Vighneshwar ensures Smartness and Survival skills along with Wisdom.
    • The pair of Gaja’s flanking the Pitambar Vighneshwar helps sustain Prosperity, personifying royalty and opulence.
    • The Pitambar Vighneshwar is an extremely Thoughtful Gift for your loved ones.
  • 11,000.00
    • Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari as the name suggests, is a God who is a propeller of basic necessities which are: Wealth and Health.
    • Better Job, Large Business Profits, Promotions are all things that the Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari grants us with.
    • As the Founder of Ayurveda the Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari blesses us with robust Health, Wealth and all round Prosperity.
    • When ailing from serious ailments (Health Difficulties), offering sincere prayers to the Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari can help us overcome them.
    • Keeping the special Orgon based Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari in the medical cabinet/drawer in residences or hospitals and medical shops enhances the efficiency of all medicines.
    • The Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari is an extremely Thoughtful Gift for your loved ones.
  • 5,500.00
    • The Dakshinamurthy Shiva will ensure that your child excels in academics.
    • Achievement in Music, Dance and other Art forms is attainable by devoting oneself to the Dakshinamurthy Shiva.
    • Research, Development, Professional courses all becomes fruitful.
    • Pooja room, meditation hall/centre, study rooms are a few places where the Dakshinamurthy Shiva can be placed to acquire his unhindered blessings in enhancing the intellect and understanding the wisdom that lays within it.
    • Individuals aiming to attain Salvation or Spiritual Bliss can do so with unadulterated reverence of the Dakshinamurthy Shiva.
  • 5,500.00
    • Praying to the Sabala fulfills all desires like Monetary gain, Success in Business, Positive health patterns, etc.
    • Peace and Love within the family.
    • Gives Spiritual and Materialistic Success.
  • 6,500.00
    • The Avighna Kirti Mukh can adorn all vehicles as it is a protective element on one side and an auspicious begetter on the other.
    • The Avighna Kirti Mukh can also be kept in Work Places, Offices, and Cubicles to ward off negative vibes and usher in benevolent blessings.
    • One can place the Avighna Kirti Mukh at home on the center table near the Main Door or any other place which is opposite the Main Door. This will ensure that any negative energy entering the premise will be immediately annihilated.
    • Children’s study table is another ideal place for placing the Avighna Kirti Mukh as it is a well-known fact that Lord Ganesha is the God of Wisdom and also a remover of all obstacles in the way.
    • The Avighna Kirti Mukh is a great gift that you can confer upon your near and dear ones.