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Quick Overview

  • The Avighna Kirti Mukh can adorn all vehicles as it is a protective element on one side and an auspicious begetter on the other.
  • The Avighna Kirti Mukh can also be kept in Work Places, Offices, and Cubicles to ward off negative vibes and usher in benevolent blessings.
  • One can place the Avighna Kirti Mukh at home on the center table near the Main Door or any other place which is opposite the Main Door. This will ensure that any negative energy entering the premise will be immediately annihilated.
  • Children’s study table is another ideal place for placing the Avighna Kirti Mukh as it is a well-known fact that Lord Ganesha is the God of Wisdom and also a remover of all obstacles in the way.
  • The Avighna Kirti Mukh is a great gift that you can confer upon your near and dear ones.

Product Description

The “Avighna Kirti Mukha” is an unique two sided Yantra conceived, designed and developed by Prof. Dr. Kalantri and is exclusively available at only Eshans Emporium. It provides multifaceted privileges to the buyer, like it can adorn the dash board of vehicles, office desks,etc. as both an auspicious and at the same time a protective Maha Siddha Yantram. The “Avighna Kirti Mukha” is an amalgamation of the “Vighneshwar Ganesha” and the “Rakshak Kirti Mukha”. Though both of them have divergent roles to play, when they work in tandem they are complimentary to each other.

The word “Avighna” symbolizes “Vighneshwar Ganesha”which is one of the legendary forms of Lord Ganesha, who banishes all obstacles. He is the unchallenged primary deity to be worshipped,prior to any other. Any initiation blessed by him is not only bound to be successful but also completed without any impediments.The,“Avighna Kirti Mukha” at Eshans is not only crafted to scholarly perfection but also steeped in Vedic Chants and brought to life with inexplicable elements.

The“Avighna Ganesha” is embedded with a unique formulation of auspicious herbs, relevant gemstones, mineral ores, etc. devised by Prof.Dr. Kalantri in his Lab,thereby creating a pulsating and reverberating “Avighna Ganesha”. It literally gives rise to a protective cocoon to its devotee.The choice of elements made during the creation of the “Avighna Kirti Mukha” are in lieu with Lord Ganesha such that they become generators of Propitious energies for the pious devotee.

The “Avighna Kirti Mukha” showers divine blessings with the omnipresence of Vighneshwara Ganesha on one of its sides and it protects you due to the presence of the “Avighna Kirti Mukha” present on its other side. “The Avighna Kirti Mukha” has fierce eyes, protruding tongue, broad temple which creates fear in the minds of people with sinister thoughts as the Kirti Mukha is a ferocious savior deity.He has been blessed with this glorious title “Kirti Mukha” by none other than the Almighty Lord Shiva.

“The Avighna Kirti Mukha” from Eshans stands apart from the scores of Kirti Mukhas available in the open market on the following count.Within the core of “The Avighna Kirti Mukha”, with the objective of enhancing its potency there are various concoctions of Precious Gemstones, Unique Minerals, Rare auspicious Herbs which form its fundamental ingredients.

It is this mélange of elements conceived by Prof. Dr. Manoj Kalantri with the able assistance of Dr. Asmita who have painstakingly developed the same over years of grueling research that is irreplaceable. It is important to note that the various amalgamations that are used for the “AvighnaGanesha” and the “Avighna Kirti Mukha” are distinct as per their specific requirements.

Care has been exercised to ensure that the “Avighna Kirti Mukha” is also aesthetically appealing. Wherein Lord Ganesha faces the driver blessing him and the other occupants of the vehicle while the Kirti Mukha faces outside, that is towards the onlooker rebuking all negative energies.

The “Avighna Kirti Mukha” can also be placed on office desks to ensure to keep away any negative vibe or energy coming your way while the devout being blessed by Lord Ganesha. The orientation of the Avighna Kirti Mukha should be such that Lord Ganesha faces the devotee while the Rakshak Kirti Mukha faces the visitor.Alternatively, it can also be placed at an angle too.

You are free to extent this perception to your convenience. You can also proudly gift the “Avighna Kirti Mukha” to your near and dear ones whose protection peace and prosperity mean a great deal to you. The prescribed format of how and when to put up the “Avighna Kirti Mukha” is concerned will be provided to you along with the physical delivery of the “Avighna Kirti Mukha”. It would be rather interesting to note that putting up the “Avighna Kirti Mukha” is a very simple procedure.

Another important point that needs to be taken into consideration while putting up the “Avighna Kirti Mukha” is that once placed it is extremely uncommon that a “Avighna Kirti Mukha” cracks / chips/ breaks, etc. However, during any such turn of events you need to immerse the “Desecrated / Khandit / Bhang” “Avighna Kirti Mukha” in clean flowing water or place it at a Shivalinga of any ancient temple after offering “Kshama Yachna” (asking for forgiveness). It is then regarded appropriate that you replace the “Avighna Kirti Mukha” with a new one without any further delay.



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