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Quick Overview

  • Praying to the Sabala fulfills all desires like Monetary gain, Success in Business, Positive health patterns, etc.
  • Peace and Love within the family.
  • Gives Spiritual and Materialistic Success.

Product Description

““Milking of a Cow means drawing the Principle of leading a righteous life in liquid form.””

Sabala is the divine cow, who fulfills  of your deepest desires and wishes. This sacred cow, who lives in Heaven is believed to have appeared from Krishna-Sagar (the ocean of milk) in the time of Samudra Manthan (the churning of the ocean of milk by the Deities and Demons.) In iconography she is generally depicted as a white cow with several Gods within her.

She is the Epitome of Prosperity and Completeness (truptata). Mata Sabala proves favorable for women. Every desire of a woman who bestows faith in her are fulfilled, be it towards her husband, family, kids, etc.
For the young children, praying to Sabala will remove all the hardships. Praying will bless them with academic success.

Sabala is also named as Surabhi, which means the “The Fragrant One”. Her other names include Kamdhenu and Kapila.

Sabala at Eshan’s is the literal epitome of the Mother Cow. Sabala is not only aesthetically appealing but is also ichnographically resplendent and positive. To further accentuate her divine abilities the idol of the Sabala is suffixed with precious powdered Gems, medicinal plants, cow dung, to name a few. Chanting of relevant Mantras during this process breathes in the most essential life force in the Sabala.

|| Namo Devyai Maha Devyai
Surabhyai Cha Namo Namah
Gavam Bheeja Swaroopaaya
Namaste Jagad Ambike ||

The above Vedic Stotra is believed to have been prayer of Lord Indra to the divine Sabala Cow. The meaning of Stotra: Salutations to the great Goddess, who fulfils devotees wishes, the one who lives as a seed in all Cows, salutations to the Mother of Universe. Bhumi-Dev or Mother Earth is symbolized as a cow in the Vedic Tradition, as just like the Earth, the cow is an endless giver of resources and nourishment.

The cow is a mother to mankind whom we should love, respect and protect. Her milk sustains the life of many species, including humans. Her dung provides fuel and bricks for millions of rural families across the Asian countries. Her urine is medicine for the sick. When she dies her skin provides us warmth and protection through clothing.

All the Gods are believed to reside in the body of Kamdhenu – the generic cow. Her four legs are the scriptural Vedas; her horns are the Triune gods: Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva; her eyes are the Sun and Moon Gods, her shoulders the fire God Agni and the wind God Vayu and her legs Himalayas. Goddess Parvati situated at the side of head. Goddess Saraswati situated in the voice of Sabala.

By saying that all Gods reside within her we mean that she blesses us with each of the Gods virtues. With the presence of Lord Ganesha within her she banishes obstacles and ushers happiness. The presence of Goddess Laxmi initiates prosperity and Good luck. Goddess Saraswati’s inhabitance leads to a positive intellect with righteous virtues. Mata Ganga initiates a cleaning of our body, mind, the soul and our dwellings. Lord Shiva present in his aspect instills the qualities of unconditional devotion followed by Unflinching faith in life. Lord Vishnu guides us through the maze of life with his effervescence.

As her name indicates, the Sabala possesses divine heavenly powers particularly very effective in showering profits in all kinds like Wealth, riches, good health, married life, students’ academic career, etc.
The presence of Sabala is unfathomable. By chanting the fundamental Mantras one can invoke the blessings of Sabala.



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