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Quick Overview

  • Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari as the name suggests, is a God who is a propeller of basic necessities which are: Wealth and Health.
  • Better Job, Large Business Profits, Promotions are all things that the Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari grants us with.
  • As the Founder of Ayurveda the Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari blesses us with robust Health, Wealth and all round Prosperity.
  • When ailing from serious ailments (Health Difficulties), offering sincere prayers to the Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari can help us overcome them.
  • Keeping the special Orgon based Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari in the medical cabinet/drawer in residences or hospitals and medical shops enhances the efficiency of all medicines.
  • The Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari is an extremely Thoughtful Gift for your loved ones.

Product Description

Lord Dhanvantari is worshipped as the Hindu God of Medicine and Prosperity. Lord Dhanvantari is the propagator of the colossal and oldest known science of medicine – “Ayurveda”. He is also the propeller of immense Wealth (Dhan).

Ayurveda : “Eternal science of life”.
The Dhanvantari at Eshan’s is a unqiue combination of Dravya Anu and Amka Parmanu and Rasa Churna. It is churned with precise herbal potions, powders of certain gemstones and other sacred items. The Dhanvatari at Eshan’s is resplendent. The Lord adorns in his hand the sacred pot of nectar (Amrut) in the other hand he holds rare life saving herbs which form the back bone of Ayurveda. In his third hand he holds the Conch (Shankh) indicating wealth, and his fourth hand adorns the Jalooka (leech) which is known to suck in impure blood from human bodies. The amalgamation in the making of Lord Dhanvantari is curated by Prof. Kalantri himself. Special cognizance is given to the fact that the Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari will be prayed for the curative as well as preventive health and wealth concerns.

As a preliminary part of Lord Dhanvantari’s name suggests, he is the God who brings all the secrets of wealth in his pot of nectar (Dhan = Wealth) from the depths of the ocean. He blesses all his devotes with boundless riches and ushers Satvik prosperity in all forms, be it land, property, jewels, money, like shares, mutual funds, etc.

• We seek the blessings of Lord Dhanvantari for sound health.
• He is also prayed to when one is ailing from a serious ailment.
• When in an extremely grim situation regarding one’s health, the Dhanvantari is prayed for showing us the correct direction to take in terms of treatment and analysis.
• Altogether his consistent invoking can lead us to a path of our own solutions too.
• The Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari also grants one, a long and a healthy life. The Dhanvantari imparts physical, mental as well as spiritual well being.
• Praying to Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari ensures a consistent flow of affluence.
Presence of this Dhanvantari intensifies assets whether it is in the form of getting a better job, promotion, profits in business, appreciating interests on investments made and other such monetary business.
• Ideally he should be placed where medicines are kept to bless and positively enhance the medical outcomes.
From the wealth perspective, Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari can be kept in bank lockers, safes, cash drawers, both at residential and commercial premises.

From the health perspective, The Sanjeevkarini Dhanvantari can be placed in all Household of doctors; with Doctors in the Hospitals, Physicians, Medical stores, Physiotherapists, Laboratories, Research & Development Facilities, Pharmaceutical companies, Drug Manufacturer and other Commercial premises and one’s temples/ mandir’s to name a few.

Grand celebrations and offerings to Lord Dhanvantari are observed on Dhanteras (Trayodashi) during the festival of Diwali. This day is now celebrated worldwide as “National Ayurveda Day”. Einstein once quoted – “Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.”



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