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  • Chakras are Spiritual Centers for the reception,assimilation, and transmission of life Energies.

  • Chakra defines who you really are at a Physical, Metaphysical and primordial level.

  • Any Permanent Positive change in One’s Wealth, Health, depression, hallucination, etc. can be healed by devotedly working on your Chakras.

  • The Chakras have a direct connection and bearing in your life as they are memory houses of your Soul’s journey.

  • At Eshan’s,Chakras can be re-aligned by working on their Positions thereby enhancing the capacity of the devout in every aspect of his life.

  • Chakra Carries Memories of your Soul from all your lives

  • “The Energy of the Chakras is the essence of Life.”

The Chakra is an energy center in the human body connected with the life force (PranaShakti). Chakra literally means, wheel in Sanskrit. There are seven major Chakra’s in the human body- each is an interface for the flow of life energy.

A Chakra is like a whirling, vortex- like, power house of energy.

The Chakra’s in our body are store houses of all experiences that we have gained as souls through our various journeys. It is hence important to understand that while working with the Chakra’s we are working not at preliminary levels but at a deep soul level which has many layers and many complex reasons attached to its present state. One needs to be extremely sensitive and patient while attending to the Chakra’s and its remedial measures.

At Eshan’s we provide not food for the body but food for the soul: the soul lives by what it feeds on. We feed it with love, strength, courage and positivity, thereby, teaching it to heal itself, accomplish challenges and come out as a winner at the ether world. Thus preparing it for its present journey as well as for its future journey’s to come.

The Chakra’s are catalysts of consciousness and human function. They govern various emotional issues, from our survival instincts and our selfesteem to our ability to communicate and experience love.

There are seven major Chakra’s and they are described as being present in an ascending column from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Each Chakra is connected with a certain color and consciousness. The following seven primary Chakra’s are commonly termed:

  • 1. MuladharaChakra – Base or Root Chakra.
  • 2. SwadhisthanaChakra – Sacral Chakra.
  • 3. ManipuraChakra – Solar Plexus Chakra.
  • 4. AnahataChakra – Heart Chakra.
  • 5. VishudhaChakra – Throat Chakra.
  • 6. AjnaChakra – Third Eye Chakra
  • 7. SahasraraChakra – Crown Chakra.

Every Chakra has an equal value and one Chakra cannot operate optimally without the others in equal good balance. It is an integrated system.

The Seven Chakra’s are described in detail as:

1. Muladhara Chakra or the Base or the Root Chakra:

Muladhara is made up of two terms: Mula means the root or source, and Adhar means foundation (Grounding). So this Chakra’s role is to connect all of your energy with the earth.

Its color is red and is located at the perineum, the base of your spine. It controls your fight or flight response. Its function fundamentally is concerned with earthly grounding and physical survival. It deals primarily with your concept of self preservation.

2. Swadhisthana Chakra or Sacral or Navel Chakra:

This word Swadhisthana translates to ‘Sweetness’. This Chakra represents self gratification and symbolizes sexuality. This Chakra brings you creative energy to enjoy life. When this Chakra is active you enjoy the physical world in many ways.

Its color is Orange and is located between the base of your spine and your navel (Sacrum). It is associated with your lower abdomen, kidneys, bladder, circulatory system and your reproductive organs (Genitals). This Chakra deals with desire, pleasure, procreation and creativity.

3. Manipura Chakra or the Solar Plexus Chakra:

Solar plexus translates to ‘Lustrous Gem’. This Chakra is where your self confidence, ego identity and personal power are born. It is located at the center of the body and is a place where physical energy is stored and distributed. It is the center that gives us the sense of complete satisfaction and contentment. Our creativity is fuelled by our will power. It denotes the hunger for power and the desire to control people.

Its color is Yellow and is located a few inches above the navel in the solar plexus area. This Chakra is concerned with your digestive system, muscles. It is an orientation of one’s self definition.

4. Anahata Chakra or the Heart Chakra:

Anahata literally means the ‘un-struck’. Anahata is located in the heart and is like a transition between your lower and higher Chakra’s. This Chakra is where your love, compassion and kindness are empowered.

Its color is Green. It is associated with your lungs, heart, arms, and hands. The Chakra includes the love for others and self love, which is why this Chakra is also associated with health and healing.

5. Vishudha Chakra or the Throat Chakra:

Vishudha means ‘Purification’. It is located in the area of the throat. This is the center for communication, self expression and creativity. This is where the inner voice of one’s truth is expressed. Speaking with a balanced throat Chakra will enlighten and inspire those around you.

Its color is bright blue or turquoise. It is associated with your neck, shoulders, arms, hands and thyroid glands. It is concerned with the senses of inner and outer hearing, the synthesizing of ideas, transformation and purification.

6.The Ajna Chakra or the Third eye Chakra:

The Third eye Chakra translates to ‘beyond wisdom’. This Chakra opens your mind to information beyond the material world and the five senses. If the energies move into the Ajna Chakra you are intellectually enlightened. You will have attained a new balance and peace within you.

Its color is Indigo (combination of red and blue).Its function is - imagination and intuition. It is located at the centre of one’s forehead at eye level or slightly above. It is concerned with inner vision, clairvoyance and wisdom.

7. The Crown or the Sahasrara Chakra:

This Chakra represents the highest level of consciousness and enlightenment. It is the connective center to the spirit. This center integrates all the Chakra’s with bliss, knowledge off oneself and eternal understanding.

The Crown or Sahasrara translates to - ‘Thousand petals’. The crown Chakra’s center is at the top of your head. It radiates down to between your eyes and then extends infinitely upward and outward, connecting one to the energy of the rest of the universe.

Its color is Violet and it is located at the top of one’s head. It is associated with the cerebral cortex, central nervous system and the pituitary gland. It is concerned with information, acceptance and bliss. Our own personal consciousness is located in the seventh Chakra, but it is really more like the seed of the universal energy than something personal or individual.

Each of the seven Chakra’s are governed by spiritual laws, principles of consciousness that we can use to cultivate greater harmony, happiness and well being in our lives and in the world.

Every Chakra corresponds to a specific aspect of human behavior and development.

Even though the seven Chakra’s are associated with the specific parts of the body, they are not physical entities, but belong to the realm of subtle energy. One can think of Chakra’s as invisible rechargeable batteries. Sometimes Chakra’s get blocked / choked on account of emotional, physical or spiritual issues.

At Eshan’s we help you to actually connect with your inner self; your Chakra’s through our technologically exceptional instruments, where in you can actually see your seven major Chakra’s.

The Chakra field experts Prof. Kalantri and Dr. Asmita help you analyze indetail the reasons for your Chakra’s being in their present state. Next, comes the most important aspect of the process. That is advocating precise solutions towards healing the Chakra’s. The solutions range from performing Poojas, chanting Mantras to wearing a Rudraksha, Gemstones, meditating on a Yantra, performing precise Yogic postures, Chroma therapy, Magnetic therapies, etc.

Minute details about each of the procedures are explained lucidly to the client at hand by Prof. Kalantri or Dr. Asmita themselves. At frequent intervals a review is taken to measure the progress in the wealth of Chakra’s.

Not only is it necessary to ensure that the health of each Chakra is good but it is equally important to align them well. This is also taken into consideration during the healing process. We are proud to state that we have crafted a technologically brilliant device which helps in re-aligning one’s Chakra’s and also maintain it. It is one of a kind in the world. It can be used when a person is in a sitting position as well as when a person is lying down. It is called the “Chakra Shakti Empowerment Device”. They come in three specific models to suit varied needs. They are portable and simple to use. A number of experiments have been carried out to check their efficacy. They are easy to store and transport.

