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Quick Overview

  • The Rakshak Kirti Mukh is placed atop the Main Door or entry from the outside in Residential as well as Commercial premises (owned or rented).
  • The Rakshak Kirti Mukh literally stands like a formidable barricade in the way of any negative energy that may try and find its way into the premise.
  • Armed with the blessings of Lord Shiva he is in a position to take on the mightiest of the damaging and destructive forces.
  • The affixing and maintenance of the Rakshak Kirti Mukh is extremely simple. In case of changing your residence or commercial premise you can easily shift the Rakshak Kirti Mukh to the other premise and continue to benefit from it.
  • The Rakshak Kirti Mukh is an extremely Thoughtful Gift for your loved ones.
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Product Description

This unique Maha Yantram “The Rakshak Kirti Mukha”is ideally to be resplendently adorned right at the Main Door of every Residence, Commercial premise and even the Temples. The words “Kirti Mukha literally means : The Illustrious / Vibrant Face.

Mythology believes he is but a part of Shiva who ate everything he set eyes upon. When his hunger did not subside he prayed to the Almighty Bholenath and the Lord in his muse asked him to eat himself. The demon did so without skipping a beat. When the lord realizes the demons unflinching faith and the boundless love for him he blessed the demon who was now left with only his face as the “Kirti Mukha”, meaning the luminous and Radiant Face.

His overbearing features, fierce eyes, protruding tongue, broad temple creates fear only in the sinister minds as the Kirti Mukha is a protector deity. He stands guard at the Main Entry of your premise over the lintel ensuring that the premise is impregnable and all its occupants are unharmed.

“The Rakshak Kirti Mukha” from Eshans stands apart from the scores of Kirti Mukhas available in the open market on the following counts:

A. Within the core of “The Rakshak Kirti Mukha”, with the objective of enhancing its potency there are various mixtures of Precious Gemstones, Exclusive Minerals, Rare auspicious Herbs which form its core ingredients.

B. It is this mélange of elements conceived by Prof. Dr. Manoj Kalantri with the able assistance of Dr. Asmita who have painstakingly developed the same over years of grueling research that is irreplaceable.

C. Care has been exercised to ensure that the “Rakshak Kirti Mukha” is also aesthetically appealing.

You can also proudly gift the “Rakshak Kirti Mukha” to your near and dear ones whose protection mean a great deal to you. The prescribed format of how and when to put up the “Kirti Mukha” is concerned will be provided to you. It would be rather interesting to note that putting up the “Kirti Mukha” is a very simple procedure. Some other important points that need to be taken into consideration while putting up the “Kirti Mukha”:

A. The “Kirti Mukha” can be placed on the Main Doors or other forms of entry of rental homes or commercial premises too. In case you change the premiseyou can carry “The Rakshak Kirti Mukha” along with you and place it in the new premise.
B. It can be placed above /on doors or shutters facing any direction.
C. In cases where more than one door is used often then in such cases it is suggested that one adorns different “Kirti Mukha’s” for each of the doors.
D. Once affixed in its place it is extremely uncommon that a “Kirti Mukha” cracks / chips/ breaks, etc. However, during any such turn of events you need to immerse the “Desecrated / Khandit / Bhang” Kirti Mukha and immerse it in clean flowing water or place it at a Shivalinga of any ancient temple after offering “Kshama Yachna” (asking for forgiveness).
It is then regarded appropriate that you replace the “Kirti Mukha” with a new one without any further delay.
E. Along with a safely packed “Rakshak Kirti Mukha” you are also provided three numbers of pure brass screws to help you put up the same. The objective of providing the brass screws is on account of the fact that one is not supposed to use iron or steel screws for the purpose of placing any Auspicious Yantras. With a view to provide complete support and eradicate any inconveniences to our esteemed customers we provide the necessary Brass screws thereby making the Yantra not only complete but readily applicable.
The mere presence of an Eshans “Rakshak Kirti Mukha“ at the entry of any premise is synonymous with the absence of any kind of danger or peril.



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